The use of animal oleic acid

Product name: Animal oleic acid

CAS :112-80-1

Molecular weight: about 282 g / mol

Physical and actinic properties: Acerbic amount (mg / g) 190-202; saponification amount (mg / g) 195-205; iodine amount (Ig/100g), 80-100; freezing point (° C) 4, 8, 12 and 16; damp 0.5%

Storage: Do not mix with acid-base. The heat-resistant fire.

Description: This artefact is ablaze chicken transparant liquid. The acerbic amount is (mg / g) 190-202, the iodine amount (Ig/100g) 80-100 and the saponification amount (mg / g) 195-205.It mustn ‘t be alloyed with acid-base ant from calefaction and fire.It is acclimated in rubber, plastic, printing, coating, washing, leather, metallurgy, chemical, etc

 Animal oleic acid is mainly acclimated in constructed detergents, metal blight inhibitors, artificial plasticizer, press ink and paint, carbon paper, ballpoint pen, oil and raw materials. Is the assembly of nylon intermediates 8 and 9. Auxiliaries, oil recovery, demulsifier application.

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From: Fatty acids