Oleuropein Introduction

Oleuropein is a phenylethanoid, a blazon of phenolic admixture begin in olive blade calm with added carefully accompanying compounds such as 10-hydroxyoleuropein, ligustroside, and 10-hydroxyligustroside. All these compounds are tyrosol esters of elenolic acid that are added hydroxylated and glycosylated. It is one of the capital accustomed phenols begin in argan oil. It is aswell begin in the leaves of privet.

Oleuropein and its metabolite hydroxytyrosol affectation antioxidant action in vitro and accord absinthian aftertaste to olive oil. Although oleuropein affairs accept been claimed to accept pharmacological effects, none of these has been approved in humans.

Oleuropein is commonly removed from olives due to its bitterness.

more about:godowell.net/HerbalExtract/Olive-Leaf-Extract/

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